Classic Car Insurance – Coverage for Vintage Vehicles That Are Featured in Shows

If you own a vintage vehicle and plan to showcase it at an upcoming classic car show, you might be interested in acquiring automotive insurance specifically designed for vintage vehicles.

Classic Car Insurance

Classic cars often contain automotive materials that are hard to find. Since classic cars are no longer in production, sourcing replacement materials can be time-consuming and expensive. A classic car insurance policy can provide peace of mind. If your classic car is tampered with during a car show, any damaged or stolen materials may be covered by your classic car insurance policy.

Liability Protection

Liability protection covers you when your classic car is being driven or towed. It protects against any incidents for which you are at fault, including bodily injury and property damage. You can select the level of liability protection your classic car insurance policy provides. Access to a liability protection plan can limit the legal expenses you face if another party sues you.

Accessories and Extra Parts

If you own accessories and extra automotive parts you plan on bringing to a car show, you can include them in your automotive policy. If any of your parts are purposely damaged or stolen during the show, your policy may cover the cost of replacing the materials.

Contact an Insurance Agent in Walford, MD

Contact one of our insurance representatives at BES & Associates Insurance. An insurance agent will help you prepare the automotive coverage you need for your vintage vehicle.